Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I have more than one man in my life.  And it's becoming complicated. 

The Gordon Wilson exhibition is in its final week, which can be the most important week to me.  The show has been an undeniable success, with twenty five paintings sold so far, including the fireplace biggie (I love a huge painting above the Smithy wood-burning stove!).  This sale today has been the icing on the cake. No, better, the cherry on top of the icing.  But with a week to go, there is plenty of room for more icing . . . anyway enough about cake.

This week is the culmination of all of Gordon's hard work and the gallery's dedication to it.  For the last couple of weeks, the collection that he has put together has been viewed, talked about, appreciated and happily purchased.  And I feel this could continue on and on and that's why the final week is so important, because it should continue right up until the last minute, as it has done from the start.  My mind is so firmly focused on each day here, but at the same time . . . . .

I am very excited to be organising the upcoming Sandy Murphy RSW RGI PAI exhibition that follows on from Gordon.  This means images, catalogues, interviews, and articles.  My mind is happily awash with the beauty that each Sandy Murphy painting brings.

Then my mind goes back to the present and Gordon, and then I feel a little sad that this happy time is going to end.  Oh dear.  Well I must admit that I do sometimes get attached to paintings, exhibitions, even artists, particularly when it has been such a positive experience.

I suppose I'm just a very lucky girl.

Thanks for reading!


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