Tuesday, May 22, 2012

It Was Six Degrees on Sunday!

There was a fabulous turn out for the opening of our new exhibition, Six Degrees of Separation on Sunday. 

The champagne and the sales flowed, and I want to thank all the artists and the art-lovers who made the day such a success.

I am absolutely loving the look of this exhibition.  We have six very different artists exhibiting:  Kirsty Wither, Kevin Low, Alice McMurrough, Christopher Wood RSW, Hazel Nagl RSW RGI PAI and Emma Waine. 

These artists are all coming from different places, and are at different stages in their careers, but when their work hangs together, there seems to be a certain magic about it. 

Surreal, figurative, abstract, expressionist.  These differing works sit together so well because each artist is so incredibly defined in personality and consequently in their self-expression.

There is a strength about each artists' collection that stands alone and also complements the others'.  It feels like a celebration of the individuality that we all possess, and that only a true artist can express.  This for me, is exactly what art art is about and that as a gallery, I am lucky enough to be able to draw attention to.

So, you are all invited!  The exhibition continues until 24 June.  The champagne and exquisite cakes have been quaffed, but you will be far too distracted to notice!

The exhibition can also be viewed on line at http://www.smithygallery.co.uk/currentExhibitions.htm

Thanks for reading!


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