I've been desperately trying to hold onto Autumn, but I think it might be time to let it go. . . . but look, I have this to console me, the Winter Exhibition is now open!
The gallery is filled with paintings, ceramics and jewellery by over twenty-five brilliant artists. And it's a delight to see such vibrancy and beauty during this cold, grey, and today, completely soaking time of year.
Okay, it's winter, who am I kidding! But people have been streaming through the Smithy doors today to see the show. And such lovely customers they are. I have a bad cold and have even lost my voice, but they don't seem to mind me communicating through sign language. Maybe it's better that way . . . . Some have even taken pity on me and are buying early Christmas presents to cheer me up. Possibly not the main reason, but it has cheered me up!
What has also cheered me up is the beautiful new work that is surrounding me. Look at the stunning figurative painting above by newcomer to Smithy Gallery, Felix Daly. It is truly beautiful, and I can't wait to see what this young artist does next.
I have many more beautiful works to share with you, but today Felix's painting is my favourite, it's so calming and comforting. Much more to come though!
Thanks for reading!